Friday, July 04, 2008


Jay is talking up a storm! He even uses real sentences, in a foreign-speaker sort of way. I now realize that I sounded like a toddler when I studied in France.

Here is a list of my favorites:

  • booch = boost (especially used at the play structure in Chick-fil-A, which means I have to contort myself into a kid-size twisty tube. This is the only time I wish he would grow faster.)

  • boom boom = hammer

  • mommy's hell0 = my phone

  • wawie = water

  • big wawie = waves at the beach

  • ding ding = xylophone

  • my job, = things he wants to do by himself

  • Jay self, me self = doing things by himself (which lately is taking off his diaper)

  • Chia = Katrina (a babysitter)

He also has wonderful multi-pitch ways of saying "okay," "yeah," and "wow." I love the tongue roll he uses for "l"s in words like "blue" and "balloon." And I miss the clicks he made with his tongue for "yes."

I'm sure I've missed a few classics, so I'll be updating this list periodically.


Sunshine said...

We still tell Haste (who is a know-it-all 12 year old now) he's being "a diesel" when he's in a bad mood, harkening back to the Thomas era. My boys logged thousands of hours playing Thomas and that vocabulary sticks with us.

Unknown said...

Those are so cute! Mommy's hello is my favorite - so clever! I really miss those guys. It was great to talk to you yesterday!

Robyn said...

Priceless! I think mommy's hello is my favorite too. :)