Monday, June 02, 2008

A Big Thank You! (And a big sigh of relief!)

I am feeling much, much better—-almost “normal” in fact. I’m finally at the full doses of the medication, which I believe has made a huge difference. I don’t feel drugged; I just feel like myself again, which is very good feeling. I’m trying to be more aware of how I am doing, so I don’t get blindsided again, as well as trying to get on a regular schedule with sleep, meals, and exercise.

I’ve been overwhelmed by people’s responses to my depression. I’m so grateful to my parents (both sets of them) for driving or flying great distances to be here for us. I believe it would have taken much longer to recover without their support. They took over the household business and allowed me to rest and play with the boys when I felt up to it. And now, they have provided a sitter for the summer, which is absolutely the best thing anyone has ever done for me!

My friends also have been amazing in the care they have shown me—bringing suppers over, dropping by to say “hello,” calling often to see how I’m doing, and making plans for me to get out of the house. It’s hard to ask for help when feeling so bad, but they made it easy by just doing it. I can never thank them enough. I’m so grateful to have such wonderful friends.

Family and friends who live in other places have also been very supportive—from writing and calling to sending flowers. Despite great distances and not as much communication as we would like, I know we will always remain close and be there for each other.

I’m sure I’ll write more about this experience, but I’ll also get back to more cheerful things, like the boys who are as cute and wonderful as ever.


Robyn said...

I am SO happy that you are feeling so much better. I almost teared up when I heard your happy voice on the phone. I love you! :)

Tina said...

what a lovely thing for me to read. I'm so happy that you're feeling more like yourself.
Life can certainly be unbearable at times, but (thankfully) more often it is quite amazing. Just look at how your family and friends crawled out of the woodwork to get you through this. That's something to be very happy about. :)
Love to you and the family. T.