Sunday, September 07, 2008

To My Aunts in LA

Dear Aunties in LA,

You should stop making fun of my favorite style--tank tops.

I can so totally pull off the look with my BIG MUSCLES!!

And check out those muscles in action. (Jay has some good muscles too.)


Robyn said...

Okay, I agree that the muscles are very impressive. I'm still not so sure about the muscle shirts though. ;)

The video is awesome. My favorite part is when Cole states very matter-of-factly "Well Jay, if we play this game we are going to get hurt." I also love Jay's "gain..gain" (meaning again). Too cute!!

Unknown said...

Aw, he looks adorable no matter what he's wearing. It's just the muscle shirts and slight southern accent in certain words that worry us a little... :)

Robyn said...

Oh, and by the way...your living room looks awesome. I love the new hardwood floors and the new rug and couch! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, Cole, I think your muscles go so perfectly with your muscle shirts! Love, Grandma