Sophia was 16 days old when I arrived. There was so much I had forgotten about the tiniest of babies: the squeaks and gurgles, the unbelievably soft hair and skin, the unfocused gaze, the diapers no bigger than my palm, and the beautiful smell of new life. I wanted to drink her in.
I became quite nostalgic about the newborn stage, when time is measured, not in days or weeks, but hours. A pinprick of regret lodged in my heart (or maybe my uterus) as I realized the babies I will hold in the future will belong to someone else. I'll never again have a tiny being gaze into my eyes with the complete, unconditional, sweet love reserved only for mothers.
There are so many reasons not to have a third: the terrible 9-month morning sickness I seem prone to; the increased chance of birth defects due to my so-called advanced maternal age; the sleep deprivation and stress; the finances involved (more Rob's concern than mine, but a valid one); and the fact that the boys are getting old enough to consider trips to Disney World and other fun things that would be difficult with a baby.
My rational side knows the list of cons outnumber the pros.
But, perhaps, the beauty of another child trumps all else.
I'd say go for it (I'd love more nephews and nieces!), but I distinctly remember you saying during your pregnancy with Jay, "no more!"
I'd also say "go for it!" The more cousins for Sophia, the better! But if you decide not to have another, you'll just have to come back to LA and visit more often. Sophia misses you! We do too!!
Actually, Heather said, "If I ever say I want to be pregnant again, shoot me in the head"
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