Tuesday, November 21, 2006

*Yesterday, we went to the new outlet mall to get Jay a few long-sleeve shirts for the upcoming trips north. Cole was a riot. He kept touching clothes saying, "Oh, this is cute!" (sounding exactly like me). After lunch he wanted to throw our trash away so I lifted him up to the top of the container. Then he wanted to throw more things away, so I quickly finished my drink and gave him the cup. Before I could reach him, he ran over to the trash can and threw the cup up and into the barrel. Two points for Cole!

*"Can I pick you up?" This is the way Cole asked someone to carry him. He is starting to say it correctly now. I'm going to really miss his toddler phrases and sayings.

*I personally don't think I have that bad of a singing voice, but apparently my backseat music critic does. Whenever I sing along to music Cole says, "No Mommy. Stop." One day we were listening to the radio and a song I like came on. I wanted to sing along so I told Cole, "This is Mommy's song so I can sing." Now whenever I start to sing he says, "No Mommy. This is my song."

1 comment:

Grandma Carlene said...

I am really going to miss Cole's "Can I pick you up?" It's my favorite toddler phrase of his, and my best memory of my October trip.