Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Now that Jay is smiling, laughing, and babbling, Cole is paying more attention to him. They will look at each other for quite a while. Whenever Cole says something, Jay will turn his head to watch him. I am truly amazed at how well Cole has handled the addition to our family. He had always been very gentle with Jay and seems to look out for him. I hope that they are beginning to be friends.

Along with the attention, however, has come some jealousy. I'm hearing "Put Jay down!" more often. Cole has also starting telling Jay, "No!" when he cries in the car. The latest scam for attention is "The Boo-Boo." Cole scraped his elbow more than a week ago and whenever I'm feeding Jay he starts wimpering and saying "I got a boo-boo on my elbow" like it is killing him. It's pretty funny!

1 comment:

Sunshine said...

Trust me, when Jay finally hits about 1, Cole will find him infinitely more interesting. My boys have been each other's best friend once the Z-man was old enough for Haste to finally play with.
They'll be playing video games and only want you for food prep in no time flat.
Oh yeah, and out of all little boys toys, Legos and Army men hurt the most when you step on them.