Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Puzzles and Blocks

This picture shows the way our family room floor looks every day--Puzzles and blocks all over!

Cole loves puzzles! He has mastered all the wood puzzles with the separate cut-out pieces, so we bought him four real ones. They have 12 big interlocking pieces and are much harder. This afternoon we did all four. Cole needed some help, but was able to do a lot by himself.

He also has a puzzle of the United States, which he is very good at putting together. He can say the name of most states then put them in the correct space (the board has the outline of the states on it). It is so cute to hear his 2-year-old pronounciation of the states--"hokama" (Oklahoma), "hasa" (Alaska), "Meeseepee" (Mississippi).

Behind him in the picture is the block house he made this afternoon. He said "I make big house" and started stacking them. He also likes to make tunnels and bridges. He could play with blocks for hours.

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