Monday, December 20, 2010

Deja Vu Halloween

No, this is not a photo from a previous Halloween. Cole decided to be an astronaut for the 3rd time, and Jay wanted to wear his Spiderman costume for the 2nd year in a row. Boys certainly make shopping easy!

We joined our neighbors again this year for trick-or-treating with a caravan of decorated golf carts and a whole gaggle of kids. After hitting all the hot spots, we returned for hot dogs, chili, and, of course, candy.

Since it was a school night, the party ended early. I felt sorry for all the teachers dealing with tired, crabby, sugared-up kids the next day (but also relieved those kids weren't at home).

Throughout the rest of the year, Jay wears his Spiderman costume so often that it has a hole in the knee and a broken zipper. While shopping the day after Halloween, we were thrilled to find a half-price Spiderman costume in the next size!! Even better, it closes in back with velcro instead of a zipper, which should lead to fewer Spidey accidents. Now we're set for the next few Halloweens.

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