Sunday, August 15, 2010

Birthday Karate Kids

February is always a busy month with Cole's birthday on the 22nd and Jay's on the 23rd. Each boy picks a restaurant for us to go to on his special day. Cole picked Moe's (a casual tex-mex place) and Jay chose "The Pirate Restaurant" (otherwise known as Queen Anne's Revenge--a very cool place decorated with all kinds of pirate loot, weapons, and pictures). Here they are standing at the window that looks into the kitchen at QAR.
This year we had a party at Carolina Karate, where the boys take classes. Karate has been a great experience for them. We started last October and their balance, coordination, and focus have improved dramatically since then. Everyone had a blast learning ninja jumps, ducks, punches, and kicks. Notice in the picture below that Orange the monkey and the Puppies even got to participate!

The best part was cutting the cake with a sword! Thank goodness they got a little help. I made the cakes in the shape of karate jackets.
It was a fun few days, although I can't believe Cole is 6 and Jay is 4.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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