Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Ah, The Good Ole Days

While talking to Rob, Cole said,

"Remember when I was three, back in the olden days..."

Rob doesn't remember what ancient history they were talking about because he was trying so hard not to laugh.


Robyn said...

HA! That is hilarious!! If the "olden days" were only two weeks ago, I'd hate to think how long ago it was when WE were 3!

Tina said...

Oh my god, that's so cute. :>)

Sunshine said...

Emersyn asked when she could drive a car. I said 16. Then she said, "when I can drive a car, then I get a baby in my belly, then I get earrings."

Her chronology leaves much to be desired.

Anonymous said...

How sweet. The long weekend of birthday parties must have seemed longer than we thought!! Grandma Carlene