Saturday, January 05, 2008

Growing Pains

I am fairly certain Cole is in the midst of a growth spurt.

First clue: He has become the biggest clutz. Within a two-day period he fell while running on the pavement and scraped his hands and knees, fell at school getting a fat lip, fell down the last five steps, and fell over the ottoman (this may have been on purpose, but he cried nonetheless).

Second clue: He is eating like a normal kid, which is way more than he usually eats.

Third clue: He is on an emotional roller coaster. At lunch yesterday he was upset because the scrape on his hand hurt when he held his sandwich. He agreed to let me cut it into smaller pieces so he could use his other hand. Then, as I was cutting the sandwich, pitched a fit because he changed his mind. It seems as if he is making up for his lack of terrible two tantrums.

I'll keep you posted on inches grown (his) and sanity lost (mine).

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