Thursday, September 21, 2006

It's been a month since a posting. Oops! Apologies to all the Cole and Jay fans out there (especially Aunt Robyn--if you weren't constantly begging for updates, I'd probably never get around to this). In the past month, we've visited Grandma and Pop Pop Mirman in Maine; Jay got his two bottom teeth; we took down Cole's crib so he has completely transitioned to the big boy bed; Jay outgrew his infant carseat and is now in the same one as Cole (he still has to face backwards so it takes up an incredible amount of space in the car. If you visit us before he is one (when he can face forwards), expect to be smooshed in the passenger seat); Cole has discovered Thomas the Train videos and is starting a new obsession; and both boys have continued to amaze us daily.


Sunshine said...

Haste is still (in secret) obsessed with Thomas. He actually wants to start a Thomas blog. I'll let you know if he does and Cole can post comments on it!
Ha! The boys look cute as always!

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