At the beginning of the school year, the pack leader spoke to the first-grade classes about becoming a scout. He must have been a talented recruiter because Cole begged to join. "We get to make race cars, and go camping, and shoot bb guns!"
It's a big time committment: weekly den or pack meetings, some weekend activities, plus things to do at home. We wanted to be certain he was serious before signing up. We quickly discovered he was very serious.
A campaign similar to the one for Geotrax ensued. Cole pestered us until Rob agreed to take him to the informational meeting. When they returned, Cole was signed up and Rob was the den leader! (The disorganization of the meeting drove Rob crazy and he decided if he had to attend the meetings, he needed to run them.)
The experience has been wonderful. There hasn't been any shooting so far, but the Pinewood Derby and camping trips lived up to the expectations. The boys like camping so much we even went once as a family.
I had no idea that the Pinewood Derby was such a big deal. There are very specific requirements for the size and weight of the cars; otherwise, anything goes. We googled and found pictures of some amazing models. Ours was a typical first-year attempt (in Lane 5 with the red smudge [stripes] on top). Even though the paint hadn't dried, Cole's still came in first in one of the heats!
I had no idea that the Pinewood Derby was such a big deal. There are very specific requirements for the size and weight of the cars; otherwise, anything goes. We googled and found pictures of some amazing models. Ours was a typical first-year attempt (in Lane 5 with the red smudge [stripes] on top). Even though the paint hadn't dried, Cole's still came in first in one of the heats!
The last event was a sibling car race, which Jay enthusiastically participated in.
Cole has earned a number of belt loops and beads, and he and Rob often study the handbook for the next project. Of course, astronomy was the first loop he earned on his own. He's made new friends and some of the boys even live in our neighborhood. Rob enjoys seeing other kids since he usually misses the playgroups and school functions and, since parents have to attend the meetings, he's also met some other dads.
Poor Jay is quite sad that he has to wait until first grade before he can join. However, he's become an honorary den member. Rob lets him attend some meetings and the weekend events. He's so enthusiastic about it that he could help the pack leader recruit next year!