Saturday, February 19, 2011

Canadian Vacation

This year we vacationed in Canada almost the entire month of July. It was wonderful to be there longer than usual, especially at the height of summer in the south. As the boys grow older, they are able to appreciate the lake more and more. It is wonderful to watch them enjoy the same things my sisters and I did when we were little.

Jay became a fish this trip! He was always the first one in the lake and the last one out. When he wasn't swimming, he was trying to convince us to go. Cole wasn't as comfortable in the water, but he enjoyed floating on the rafts. They played a game where they were drifting on "the high sea." It involved a lot of yelling and splashing. With the way sound carries across the lake, I was afraid a neighbor would think they were really lost at sea and come to rescue them.


Even the rainy days were fun with forts to build, books to read, games to play, and puzzles to do. Most of the games and books are ones from when I was little, so I always enjoy rediscovering them.  Our old story tapes were were hours of entertainment. (I don't think they had ever seen cassette tapes before.) And how could they be bored when there were drainspouts! With running water, mud, and puddles!!

Other highlights of the trip:
  • Exploring under the house, on the path to the guest house, and in the garage.
  • Jay only wanting to ride in the boats when they went fast.
  • One-on-one breakfasts with Grandpa--Jay ate 2 servings of pancakes and Cole ate 2 servings of bacon. Together they make a great team!
After we returned home, Jay said that next summer we need to stay for 51 days!

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